Results for 'Ci Cu Maönavåacakaçnkaòtanta Tåevanåayaönåar'

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    Paṭaippiyal.Ci Cu Cellappā - 2022 - Chennai: El̲uttu Piracuram.
    On theoretical aspects in literary writing.
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  2. The Neural Correlates of Cued Reward Omission.Jessica A. Mollick, Luke J. Chang, Anjali Krishnan, Thomas E. Hazy, Kai A. Krueger, Guido K. W. Frank, Tor D. Wager & Randall C. O’Reilly - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Compared to our understanding of positive prediction error signals occurring due to unexpected reward outcomes, less is known about the neural circuitry in humans that drives negative prediction errors during omission of expected rewards. While classical learning theories such as Rescorla–Wagner or temporal difference learning suggest that both types of prediction errors result from a simple subtraction, there has been recent evidence suggesting that different brain regions provide input to dopamine neurons which contributes to specific components of this prediction error (...)
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    L'existence élargie: essai sur l'existant, le vécu, le vivant.Philippe Grosos - 2020 - Paris: Hermann.
    L'analyse et le développement du concept d'existence ont constitué un des enjeux philosophiques majeurs de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle en Europe. Or, ces divers courants philosophiques reposent fondamentalement sur une 'double économie de la rareté'. Ils affirment en effet, d'une part, que seul l'homme existe, et, d'autre part, qu'il n'existe que rarement. Que faire d'une telle radicalité, en ce début de XXIe siècle, à l'heure où la plupart des problèmes qui semblent se poser à nous relèvent de ce (...)
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  4. How Can Massacred Most Important Classical Philosophy: Im. Kant.Rodica Croitoru - 2004 - Studia Philosophica 1.
    Cele două secole care au trecut de la moartea lui Immanuel Kant au creat în jurul operei sale instituţii concepute să o editeze, traducă şi interpreteze la un înalt nivel de profesionalism, care a impus anumite exigenţe de traducere şi intrpretare ce trebuie respectate spre a asigura valoarea ştiinţifică a acestei activităţi. Aşadar, în zilele noastre traducerea operei lui Kant nu se mai face după orice ediţie, ci numai după ediţia standard, a cărei paginaţie trebuie marcată în marginea exterioară a (...)
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    Chanter, narrer, danser: contribution à une philosophie du sentir.Anne Boissière - 2016 - [Sampzon]: Éditions Delatour France.
    La musique s'éprouve et se vit, et ne se laisse pas seulement analyser et comprendre. Active, dominatrice, source en même temps d'une passivité unique, elle atteint des couches profondes qui dessinent le mystérieux domaine du pré-verbal, directement en prise sur le vivant du corps. À preuve son aptitude à induire immédiatement du mouvement, dilater l'espace et donner une énergie incomparable, ou encore suspendre le temps. La musique plus que tout autre art instruit sur le "sentir", pour autant qu'on ne la (...)
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    Divergent patterns of cognitive deficits and structural brain alterations between older adults in mixed-sex and same-sex relationships.Riccardo Manca, Anthony N. I. I. Correro, Kathryn Gauthreaux & Jason D. Flatt - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:909868.
    BackgroundSexual minority (SM) older adults experience mental health disparities. Psychiatric disorders and neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) are risk factors for cognitive decline. Although older people in same-sex (SSR) compared to mixed-sex relationships (MSR) perform more poorly on cognitive screening tests, prior studies found no differences in rates of dementia diagnosis or neuropsychological profiles. We sought to explore the role of NPS on neurocognitive outcomes for SM populations. We compared cognitive performance and structural brain parameters of older adults in SSR and MSR.MethodsData (...)
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    İslam Dil Felsefesinde Bağlam Duyarlı Terimlerin Ele Alınışı ve İşaret Adının Mantıksallaştırılması.Harun Kuşlu - 2024 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 10 (1):67-98.
    Adudüddîn el-Îcî’nin (ö. 756/1355) er-Risâletü’l-vaz‘iyye adlı eserinin esas konusunu oluşturan müphem lafızlar meselesi müteahhir dönem İslâm düşüncesinin iki büyük ismi olan Sa‘duddîn et-Teftâzânî (ö. 792/1390) ile Sey- yid Şerîf el-Cürcânî (ö. 816/1413) arasında mantık ve dil felsefesi açısından ciddi bir ihtilaf konusuna dönüşmüştür. Tartışmanın izleri geç dönem Osmanlı filozoflarından İsmail Gelenbevî (ö. 1205/1791) ve şârihlerine kadar takip edilebilmektedir. Bu makalede ben; söz konusu tartışmayı, çağdaş dil felsefesindeki bağlam duyarlı terimler prob- lemine atıfla ele alıyorum. Yazı boyunca hem Îcî’nin risalesini izleyen (...)
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  8. Ce este matematica: Ghidul şcolar al înţelegerii conceptuale a matematicii.Cătălin Bărboianu - 2020 - Targu Jiu: PhilScience Press.
    Aceasta nu este o carte de matematică, ci una despre matematică, care se adresează elevului sau studentului, dar şi dascălului său, cu un scop cât se poate de practic, anume acela de a iniţia şi netezi calea către înţelegerea completă a matematicii predate în şcoală. Tradiţia predării matematicii într-o abordare preponderent procedural-formală a avut ca efect o viziune deformată a elevilor asupra matematicii, ca fiind ceva strict formal, instrumental şi calculatoriu. Pierzând contactul cu baza conceptuală a matematicii, elevii dezvoltă pe (...)
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  9. Filosofia Aplicabilitatii Matematicii: Intre Irational si Rational.Catalin Barboianu - 2018 - Târgu Jiu, Romania: Infarom.
    Lucrarea tratează unul dintre “misterele” filosofiei analitice şi ale raţionalităţii însăşi, anume aplicabilitatea matematicii în ştiinţe şi în investigarea matematică a realităţii înconjurătoare, a cărei filosofie este dezvoltată în jurul sintagmei – de acum paradigmatice – ‘eficacitatea iraţională a matematicii’, aparţinând fizicianului Eugene Wigner, problemă filosofică etichetată în literatură drept “puzzle-ul lui Wigner”. Odată intraţi în profunzimea acestei probleme, investigaţia nu trebuie limitată la căutarea unor răspunsuri explicative la întrebări precum “Ce este de fapt aplicabilitatea matematicii?”, “Cum explicăm prezenţa în (...)
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  10. Etică și integritate academică.Emanuel Socaciu, Constantin Vică, Emilian Mihailov, Toni Gibea, Valentin Mureşan & Mihaela Constantinescu - 2018 - Bucharest: Editura Universității din București.
    „Strategia noastră a fost de a gândi un text util pentru profesori, dar de a-l scrie mai ales pentru studenți. Etica este interesantă cu precădere atunci când pune în joc intuiții morale sau valori diferite și când ne confruntăm cu dileme în care decizia nu este evidentă, iar dezacordul este rezonabil. Prin urmare, am încercat să ne ferim pe cât a fost posibil de verdicte și de simpla enumerare a unor interdicții. Veți observa că, de cele mai multe ori, exercițiile (...)
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    Die Logik der Unendlichkeit: die Philosophie des Absoluten im Spätwerk des Nikolaus von Kues.Dirk Cürsgen - 2007 - Frankfurt am Main: Lang.
    Im Zentrum des Cusanischen Denkens steht seit seinen Anfängen durchgängig die Auslotung der menschlichen Mittel und Formen, einen adäquaten und genauen Begriff des Absoluten oder des Unendlichen zu gewinnen. Die Studie widmet sich der Analyse der wesentlichen Ausarbeitungen eines Gottesbegriffs durch Nikolaus von Kues aus den Jahren 1459 bis 1464, die als Vollendung seines Denkweges angesehen werden können, weil sie durch konzeptuelle Neuerungen ein spekulatives und argumentatives Niveau erreichen, das eine genuin philosophische und damit christliche Vorgaben überhöhende Logik der Unendlichkeit (...)
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  12. Giáo sư Trần Đức Thảo: biển quê hương dạt dào & trầm tư triết học.Huy Chử Cù - 2012 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Lao động. Edited by Huy Song Hà Cù.
    Biography of Tran Duc Thao, 1917-1993, a Vietnamese philosopher.
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  13. Başörtü risalesi.Dücane Cündioğlu - 1998 - Cağaloğlu, İstanbul: Kitabevi.
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  14. (1 other version)Materiales para un estudio del fenómeno jurídico.Andrés Cúneo Macchiavello - 1974 - [Santiago]: Editorial Jurídica de Chile.
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  15. Zeit und Einheit: Anmerkungen zu Damaskios¿ Metaphysik der Temporalität.Dirk Cürsgen - 2018 - In Burkhard Mojsisch, Tengiz Iremadze & Udo Reinhold Jeck (eds.), Veritas et subtilitas: truth and subtlety in the history of philosophy: essays in memory of Burkhard Mojsisch (1944-2015). Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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    The two faces of justice.Jiwei Ci - 2006 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    In this book, Jiwei Ci explores the dual nature of justice, in an attempt to make unitary sense of key features of justice reflected in its close relation to ...
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  17. Correct grammar 3.0.Ci Abramson - 1991 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 12 (3):421-422.
    Correct Grammar is an easy to use, powerful and inexpensive grammar checker suitable for IBM personal computers and compatibles. It installs in minutes, is readily customized, and is designed to work with all major word processor programs such as WordPerfect, WordStar and Microsoft Works. It will also process ASCII files. I highly recommend Correct Grammar. It is a fine program.
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  18. Freedom as a Subjective Condition of Justice.J. Ci - unknown
  19. Trepte spre știință: elemente de propedeutică a cercetării științifice.Dumitru Dumitrașcu - 1974 - Cluj: "Dacia,".
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    The logic of the generality of moral principles.Ci Jiwei - 1988 - Philosophical Quarterly 38 (152):305-314.
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  21. The role of Stegmuller, Wolfgang in contemporary German epistemology.Cu Moulines - 1987 - Archives de Philosophie 50 (1):3-22.
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    Sanford Shieh.Ci Lewis Against Russell - 2012 - In Leila Haaparanta & Heikki J. Koskinen (eds.), Categories of Being: Essays on Metaphysics and Logic. Oxford, England: OUP USA.
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  23. Śrīmadbhagavaduttaragītāmr̥tam: viriñci vijñāna vivaraṇa sahitaṃ. Viriñci (ed.) - 1991 - Haidarābādu, Āndhrapradēśaṃ: Śrīmadbhagavadgītā Vidyāpīṭham.
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    La crise morale dans la Chine post-maoïste.Ci Jiwei - 2008 - Diogène 221 (1):26-.
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    Justice, Freedom, and the Moral Bounds of Capitalism.Jiwei Ci - 1999 - Social Theory and Practice 25 (3):409-438.
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    Kim, Sungmoon, Public Reason Confucianism: Democratic Perfectionism and Constitutionalism in East Asia: New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016, xi + 276 pages.Jiwei Ci - 2018 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 17 (2):291-295.
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  27. What negative duties? Which moral universalism?Jiwei Ci - 2010 - In Alison Jaggar (ed.), Thomas Pogge and His Critics. Malden, MA: Polity.
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    In al-Qaradawi’s Opinion, The Factors That Allow The Fatwa To Change.Fatih Çi̇nar - 2023 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (1):145-176.
    In this article, the views of Yusuf al-Qaradawi (d. 2022) on the change of the fatwa are discussed. Other issues of the fatwa method are generally excluded from the scope. At the point of solving new problems, the change of the fatwa is important. The aim of the study is to reveal al-Qaradawi's contribution to the issue of changing the fatwa. In this study, in which the qualitative research method was used, thematic reading was made. As it is known, scholars (...)
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    Can scientific values be extended to the public sphere?Jiwei Ci - 2006 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 20 (2):219 – 231.
  30. Political agency in liberal democracy.Jiwei Ci - 2006 - Journal of Political Philosophy 14 (2):144–162.
  31.  27
    Reply to Joseph Chan.Jiwei Ci - 2015 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 14 (4):593-595.
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    On a Question of Phillips.Çi??dem Gencer & Mehmet Terziler - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (1):78-82.
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    Kur'an Ve Sünnet Işığında Evrensel Barışın Vazgeçilmezi "Müsamaha- Kolaylık".Şaban Çi̇ftci̇ - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 2):523-523.
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  34. Zhao Tingyang A Political Philosophy of World in terms of All-under-heaven (Tian-xia).Ci Jiwei - 2009 - Diogenes 56 (1):140-144.
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    Eğitim Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Çocuk Sevme Eğilimlerine Etki Eden Değişkenlerin İncelenmesi.Latife Kabakli Çi̇men - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 11):811-811.
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    Osmanlı Tıp Metinlerinde Geçen Hastalık Adları Üzerine.Ahmet Naim Çi̇çekler - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 21):95-95.
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    Freedom and realms of living.Jiwei Ci - 1991 - Philosophy East and West 41 (3):303-326.
  38. Okullarda Değerler Eğitimi Ve Türkiye'deki Uygulamaya Bir Bakış.Nazlı Ci̇han - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 2):429-429.
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    The Moral Crisis in Post-Mao China: Prolegomenon to a Philosophical Analysis.Ci Jiwei - 2009 - Diogenes 56 (1):19-25.
    For quite some time there has been a collective perception of a moral crisis in post- Mao China. This perception is informed by standards held by members of Chinese society rather than by standards outside of it. In this article, the author attempts to lay the groundwork for a philosophical analysis of this moral crisis. He first explains why it is appropriate to speak of a moral crisis and then examines the structure of the crisis. This examination is partly conceptual (...)
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    Taking the Reasons for Human Rights Seriously.Jiwei Ci - 2005 - Political Theory 33 (2):243 - 265.
    The human rights discourse is vitiated by its tendency to reification, a tendency manifest in an ideologically motivated failure to take the reasons for human rights seriously. When a set of rights fall short, in range or strength, of the reasons adduced for them, any claim to the universality and priority of the rights in question is open to the charge of falsification and reification. Such a claim invites immanent critique insofar as a human rights discourse fails to take its (...)
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  41. Endnote-ibm pc and compatibles version.Ci Abramson - 1991 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 12 (3):423-424.
    EndNote is a reference database and bibliography maker for the IBM and compatibles. It is an extremely useful and versatile program and is a must for anyone who does a large amount of scientific writing. It eliminates the drudgery of typing the same references over and over, whether it be for a grant application, a series of submitted manuscripts, or a resubmission of a manuscript to a journal with a different reference format.
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    China and the question of freedom.J. Ci - unknown
    In three decades of reform China has become a society that is radically different both from what it used to be in Mao's time and from a liberal society. This new China poses especially interesting questions about freedom - interesting not only in the Chinese context but also more generally. Pivotal for my treatment of these questions is a distinction I draw between de facto freedom and the value of freedom, the latter in turn understood in terms of a larger (...)
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  43. Capabilities, Poverty and Respect'.J. Ci - unknown
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    Conscience, Sympathy and the Foundation of Morality.Jiwei Ci - 1991 - American Philosophical Quarterly 28 (1):49 - 59.
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  45. Democracy and Human Happiness: Theoretical Explorations and Reflections on China.J. Ci & X. Wang - unknown
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    Evaluating agency: A fundamental question for social and political philosophy.Jiwei Ci - 2011 - Metaphilosophy 42 (3):261-281.
    Many of the things we do in social and political philosophy, whether normative or critical, presuppose some understanding and evaluation of agency. To have a clear idea of our normative or critical enterprise, the underlying account of agency needs spelling out. This article begins with a descriptive account: human agency consists in power (or causal efficacy) organized as subjectivity (or selfhood), and such organization takes place through attributions of power informed by values. Some such descriptive account is useful for understanding (...)
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    Ahmet Midhat'ın Uykuya Dair Bir Kitabı Üzerine.Aysel Ci̇ğerli̇oğlu - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):365-365.
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  48. From Modest Realism to a Democratic Conception of Science (review article).J. Ci - unknown
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    Aile Yılmazlığı Değerlendirme Ölçeğinin Türkçe'ye Uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması.Hüdayar Ci̇han Güngör - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 5):497-497.
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    Fuad Köprülü Ve Türk Tarihinde Kökenler, Süreklilik, Dış Tesir Ve Hususi Tek'mül.Cihad Ci̇han - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 7):233-233.
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